Shakti Core

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How to Create Boundaries That Feel Good

Hey Gorgeous!

As the soulful, heart-centered women you are, you're constantly looking for new and better ways to bring more joy, love, peace and harmony into the world, am I right?

I love that about you! (And thank you, btw!)

And because of that I'm sure that there are lots of people drawn to your light and clamoring for your precious time, energy & essence. Yes?

And let's be honest, spending time with some of those people inspires and fuels you and others? Well, they can leave you feeling like you just got hit by a freight train.

Here's the thing that most women in my world know, but have trouble actually putting it into practice. We gotta get good, like really good, at creating boundaries!

And in my world that means creating boundaries that feel good.
And it's a lifelong practice.

Many of us were not taught that owning our inner authority is a legit thing to do.
For some of us it was downright dangerous.
And yet it's crucial if we truly want to thrive.

You get to be the boss of you.
You get to decide who gets access to your time, energy and essence.
Not everyone gets an all access pass.

You, as proud owner of your inner authority, you get to be author of your life.  You get to write the script. And it gets to feel good.

This is something I feel we can all use some more loving, spicy support on.

 That's why today's episode is about three steps to take to start creating boundaries that actually feel good.

And you guessed it, Bella, pleasure has everything to do with it.

In this episode:

  • why putting ourselves first is so key

  • powerful mindset tips to shift our relationship to authority & desire

  • our sexual energy/erotic power and claiming our inner authority

  • simple and fun tips to bring boundaries that feel good alive in your life

Let's dive in!

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