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Awakening Your Multi-Orgasmic Powers

What does it mean to be multi-orgasmic?
From my perspective this is a wellness conversation.

Multi-orgasmic is a term that stems from the Taoist Sexual Yoga practices where the healthy flow of sexual energy is considered to be the foundation of mental and physical wellbeing.
And while sex, solo or partnered, can be a wonderful part of that, there's so much more.

Being multi-orgasmic is not an event or a goal to achieve but the ability to tap into an innate essence of vitality that comes from a lifestyle of embodied pleasure and sensuality.

Can tapping into this energy lead to multiple climatic orgasmic experiences?
And that's amazing.
But it's so much more than that.

A great place to begin the multi-orgasmic conversation is to reframe how we view orgasm.
It's not just about a climatic release of energy, it's about the infinite source of where that energy comes from.

Orgasm can be like a single event; a wave crashing on the beach (which is a beautiful thing).

And it can also be like accessing the infinite ocean; the sustainable source of that wave.

Let's dive in!

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Dive Deeper With Dianne:

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 Learn more about the Wild Abundance Sex Magic Ritual:

Check out my self-study Jade Egg program:

Email Dianne:

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4 Powerful Masterclasses to
Embody Your Sacred Feminine!

  • Reclaiming Aphrodite/Activating the 5 Sacred Codes of Venus

  • Sacred Union/Romancing the Sacred Masculine Within

  • Falling in Love With the Dark Goddess/Rage, Passion & Desire

  • Sacred Courtesan/Masters of Manifestation & Embodied Love

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