Shakti Core

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Finding Time for Feminine Embodiment Practices/Tips for the Modern Goddess

No time for pleasure practices? I get it. Life can definitely feel that way. And while that can feel so true, we have a lot more agency around this than we've been lead to believe.

The idea of reclaiming our feminine can be so alluring and appealing and yet when it comes to "rolling out the mat" and getting into a regular rhythm with embodiment practices that support that, we hit a huge hurdle.  We all do. "How can I find time for all of this?" is the chief complaint.

You're a modern woman. Finding time for feminine spiritual practice is going to be a challenge. Initially. Once you get in the groove, it will get easier, I promise!
In this episode we explore:

  • The chief obstacle to finding time for practice: mindset

  • Cultivating a pleasure mindset

  • Connecting to and strengthening the frequency of your Inner Pleasure Queen aka your Sacred Feminine

  • Convincing ourselves that pleasure is a valuable thing

  • 3 decisions every woman needs to make on this journey

  • How to find more spaciousness in your life

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