Going Barefoot for Vibrant Sensuality and Lifelong Libido
You may want to kick off your shoes and socks for this one! It's time to celebrate your sexy feet! Yes you heard me right; your feet!
Your feet are incredible; we're talking twenty six bones, thirty three joints and seven thousand nerve endings in each foot! They are the most important portal to connecting with the life force energy of sweet Mother Earth. When fully activated your feet can provide you with a wellspring of vitality, emotional wellbeing, and sensual pleasure.
Re-wilding and enlivening your feet is one of the best things you can do for your overall posture, health and radiance. Not only that it's a powerful way to care for your nervous system, create safety in your body and experience and more sensual pleasure.
For the past two years I've been a bit obsessed with my feet. Barefoot hiking has become a big passion of mine and after listening to this episode you'll understand why.
Here's what I cover:
Why going barefoot is one of my favorite sensual healing practices
Why your feet are a masterpiece; a work of art
The 7,000 nerve endings in each foot as a portal into sensual pleasure
Your sentient feet; your hands that touch the Earth
Why you need to start smart and go slow
Why your feet need movement
The feet/pelvis connection and full range of motion
How going barefoot has drastically improved my balance and agility
How going barefoot has toned my core
When our feet are in lockdown, our pelvis is in lockdown
How going barefoot has healed my knee and hip issues
Allowing the feet to do what they were born to do
The power of Bubbling Spring aka Kidney One points to nourish our libido
How going barefoot helps cultivate our flow/pleasure zone aka our parasympathetic state of our nervous system and make it our default
How going barefoot helps us nourish our Yin and libido
How going barefoot helps us rejuvenate and even sleep better
How going barefoot reduces inflammation
How going barefoot helps prevent heart disease
How going barefoot helps with autoimmune issues
How going barefoot helps with emotional stress and supports mental health
The emotional benefits of re-wilding and connecting to our inner wild child
Barefoot and first and second Chakra healing
Barefoot and belonging
Connecting to the Great Mother through going barefoot
Starting small, soft and smart
An amazing bootcamp for your feet
My favorite minimalist shoe company to transition safely
Some resources for you:
Check out Sacred Sensual Movement™ here
Join Petra Fisher's Fix Your Feet Bootcamp here + her instagram
Download a short PDF guide that I create for my clients: 3 Tips to Re-wild You Feet here
Here's an image of those amazing Bubbling Sprig/Kidney 1 Points
My favorite company for barefoot shoes Xero Shoes
The Vital Goddess Masterclass
If you're resonating with what I'm saying here in the show, I've created a free training for you to take it deeper. It's super juicy, and robust. A must-watch for any turned-on seasoned woman!
in this training you will learn :
Why pleasure actually matters.
What Sacred Feminine Energy is + how to know when we’re cut off from it
Why we want to tap into this innate sensual power within.
Why midlife is the best time to tap into it!
How we activate & embody our inner goddess.
What the Taoist Jade Egg Practice is
& why it’s the master tool for all of the above.
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