Shakti Core

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The Secret to Lifelong Sexual Confidence

True sexual confidence is a rare thing. Although most folks crave it, regardless of gender or age sexual confidence can be confusing and elusive. That makes sense. In a society where sex is considered problematic of course it's going to be tough to access authentic confidence in our erotic expression. We're constantly bombarded with images and ideals of what sexual confidence is "supposed to look like" and most of it leaves us feeling pretty unsexy.

The main thing I believe most people are missing here is that sexual confidence is about authentic embodiment. It's an energy, a frequency and accessing it is an inside job. Sexual energy is life force energy and our expression of it is as unique as our fingerprint. It simply cannot be borrowed or bought. It needs to be awakened and it needs to flow. And there are practices for that.

For women with a predominately feminine essence it's all about feminine spiritual practice. For lifelong sexual confidence (and spiritual bliss) we need practices that allow us to open to the ecstasy and intensity of life force. To our own unique radiance and beauty, to our passion and desire, to our full emotional range, to love itself. The feminine finds meaning in life (and spiritual bliss and sexual confidence) through allowing the aliveness of life to flow through us.

I turn 60 in just a few days and I gotta say I've never felt more sexually confident in my life. But it's not just about that, it's about so much more.
Instead of asking;
"How can I become more sexually confident?"
The deeper question is;
"How does the feminine want to rise through you?"

Join me in this birthday episode and get inspired.
In this episode we explore:

  • why our sexual energy is the foundation of everything

  • why at 60 I've never felt more sexually confident

  • being multi-orgasmic at 60

  • Yin power and the feminine face of orgasm

  • sustainable orgasm; riding the waves of the ocean of orgasm

  • why there's always more

  • being more succulent and juicy at 60 than I was in my 20s & 30s

  • ageless sexual confidence

  • true radiance and sisterhood

  • the damage of internalize patriarchy/the wounded feminine

  • the magnetic power of your feminine essence

  • embodied passion/emotional intimacy & sexual confidence

  • the guru-less path of the feminine

  • the power of foundational practices/going deep with simple practice

  • why feminine spiritual practice is the key to it all.

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