Shakti Core

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The Most Common Myth That Blocks Our Love

What if all the love we seek is right under our noses?

What if most of we've been told about our sensuality is simply not true and that pleasure is is actually the fastest and most powerful way to embody love, gratitude, peace and compassion?

What if we were able to do a little myth busting and explore our pleasure through a different, sacred lens?

Who would we be?
What would we create?

The Goddess of Love; a sacred essence that lives in all of us and was once revered, then dethroned, has not been fully anchored and expressed on this planet for thousands of years.

There were times in ancient human history when Venus (just one of Her many names) reigned supreme, pleasure was sacred and life was good, or at the very least way better. (Riane Eisler's book Sacred Pleasure dives deeply into this.)

Since then, we've been fed a strong narrative that pleasure is hedonistic, selfish, taboo, dangerous and among many other things. Certainly not anything a "serious spiritual person" would pursue.

This creates a lot imbalance and toxicity.

 We've seen this play out in so many spiritual institutions, including the yoga world. Denouncing sensuality and sexuality on the one hand, sexual abuse and scandal on the other.

Or, as in some Tantra schools, applying a dominator, top down/ Guru approach to sacred sexuality(not what Venus is about at all!)  and creating its own flavor of imbalance, disfunction and abuse.

I feel that if we truly want to move beyond the dominator systems that have wreaked havoc on the planet for thousands of years and to co-create a new world paradigm based in love, beauty and partnership, healing and embracing our sensuality is a great place to start.

We need to stop kicking pleasure to the curb and start seeing it as a legit spiritual path. We need a direct experience of it. It's an inside job.

The yoga of Venus is making a come back.

We've got some myth busting to do.

In this episode I riff on:

  • Prevailing myths about sensuality that abound in pleasure-negative societies

  • Why we all need mindset work around pleasure

  • How some popular spiritual leaders miss the mark on pleasure

  • Demonizing and bypass in the spiritual development world

  • The problem with denouncing pleasure, sensuality and desire

  • How sacred feminine principles get dissed in most spiritual work

  • Why embodiment is so key

  • How embodied pleasure cultivates joy, peace, pleasure and love

  • How pleasure is the ultimate spiritual hack

  • Pleasure as a path

  • Pleasure and embodied love

  • A simple breath practice to embody your love

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