Shakti Core

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The Radiant Yoni Meditation/A Sensual Meditation to Awaken Your Pleasure & Sacred Femme

Do you feel cut off from your pleasure?

I get it!

Most women do.
And it makes sense.

Why do so many women feel numb and cut off from their sensual pleasure?

So many reasons...

The broad stroke is that we live in a pleasure-negative world that pretty much demands a disconnect from our sensuality and the creative life force power of our sexual energy.

It hasn't felt safe for most of us to inhabit our sensual selves.

If that’s been your experience, I want you to know that it’s not your fault.

And I also want you  to know that you have the power to change that.

And you can start in the simplest of ways.

Sensual pleasure is the portal into you embodying the Goddess you were born to be.

To feel fully alive and embodied in your unique sacred feminine essence, you need to awaken your Yoni.

Yoni is the Sanskrit/Yoga word that means origin, source, Shakti aka Great Goddess.

It’s also a term that means womb, vagina, vulva. 

Basically it’s a word that represents the whole of a woman’s sacred pleasure system.

When you awaken your Yoni, you awaken your unique expression of the Sacred Feminine.

In this episode I want to introduce you to a simple meditation that just might change your life. 

And it's only about 7 minutes long.
Are you willing to devote 7 minutes a day to reclaiming your pleasure?

Then this episode is for you!

Let’s dive in!

See this content in the original post

Dive Deeper With Dianne:

Check out my new free masterclass Making Love to Crystals:

Join the Waitlist for The Vital Goddess Mastermind and access Unleash Your Inner Goddess:

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4 Powerful Masterclasses to
Embody Your Sacred Feminine!

  • Reclaiming Aphrodite/Activating the 5 Sacred Codes of Venus

  • Sacred Union/Romancing the Sacred Masculine Within

  • Falling in Love With the Dark Goddess/Rage, Passion & Desire

  • Sacred Courtesan/Masters of Manifestation & Embodied Love

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