Shakti Core

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Twin Flame/Romancing the Inner Beloved

What if  all we desire is desiring us?
What if the ultimate lover we yearn for has been here all along?
What if the hottest romance is by design an internal experience?

I've been hesitant to share this part of my journey because it's a bit woo to be honest. 
It took me a while to wrap my head around this concept and put it into practice. But when I did, it changed everything. There's treasure here for those willing to play and explore.

The idea of a Twin Flame or Soul Mate is pretty seductive. Often when people speak of this the focus is external. The stuff of romance novels. That there is a perfect lover for us out there somewhere. We may have even had the experience of thinking that we've found it, only to have it all dramatically fall apart. That's usually how it goes. And it makes sense.

The people we meet and love through our lives can be connecting points to our sacred lover within. but can never substitute for it. We can get a taste of it, but the transient nature of peak experiences in human love can leave us empty, starving even, and pinning for more.

What if there was a way to tap into an eternal source of erotic/romantic nourishment? A way to feel more whole in every relationship experience? And have a lot more fun? 

There is. Once we kindle the Twin Flame within we can experience  the alchemy of embodied true love. A sacred internal union. 

  • A love that is everlasting and unbreakable.

  • A love that can become our anchor, our assembly point.

  • A love that provides sustainable nourishment, adoration and devotion.

  • A love that can dissolve the fear-based scarcity mindset that systems of dominance and oppression thrive on.

  • A love that cultivates a resilient foundation from which we can connect with others, give our gifts and create magic in our lives.

As the old saying goes; above, so below, as within, so without.
We're here to co-create. And we're starting to remember that.

What I've found to be true is that our hungry ghost quest and even our demands for true love and the deep yearning that accompanies them are not shameful. They're not a weakness or something to be mocked. Our yearning is beautiful and something to celebrate. I feel it's actually sacred; calling us home to the truth of who we really are.

Your soul mate has been here all along.
The ultimate love affair is within.
And it gets to be as fun, sexy, passionate and as hot as you want it to be.

Here I riff on:

  • How we lost touch with the sacred inner marriage

  • Cultivating a deep sacred love affair from within

  • The dance between Venus and Mars and how astrology can help us activate it

  • Falling head over heels; what's the message?

  • Inner alchemy and self nourishment

  • Bringing it alive with your five senses & breathwork

As we dive into this episode I invite you to leave your analytical mind at the the door.
Let's step into the  mystical Rumiesque realm of sacred romance and inner alchemy.

See this content in the original post

Want to dive deeper?

  • Download your Twin Flame Breathwork Meditation here

  • Learn more about my Goddess on a Mission Astrology Session here

  • Book your free Pleasure Queen Activation Session here

  • Access the Vital Goddess Masterclass here

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