Shakti Core

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How to Manifest Like a Goddess

Hey Beautiful!

In today’s video I want to share a very feminine perspective on manifestation.

If you’re familiar with the practice of manifestation and the Law of Attraction you know that the main principle is that we to some degree, create our reality.

We humans are powerful conduits of creative life force energy and we can learn how to harness that power and create more of what we want in life with our intention.

When we get clear on what we truly desire, feel good about what we want and get in the vibe or frequency of already having it, things start to unfold in surprising and magical ways.

Sounds great right? However, while the principles of manifestation are fairly simple, putting into to practice for most of us can be such a challenge. Omg, I totally get that! There are days that are pure magic and others where I’m having a down on the ground very human experience. Can you relate?

But when we choose to step into the ease and flow of the feminine, the manifestation game can be a lot more fun and fruitful.

Tapping into things like the power of emotional alchemy (there are no “bad” emotions), passion, desire clarity and the power of sensual pleasure and orgasm to access high frequency states can be of massive assistance here.

Manifestation from the feminine perspective is a sensual (and orgasmic) embodiment practice. A practice of putting emotions in motion in order to harness their power, feeling into our true desires and getting into alignment with ecstatic pleasure practices. And yes, we can call this sex magic!

A great way to begin this journey is with a practice that I lovingly call Sensual Breathwork.

The official name is Shakti Core Breathwork.

Breathwork steeped in feminine principle to awaken your pleasure and inner Creatrix.

In this video I guide you through a short and powerful sensual breathwork practice so that you can feel the power you have inside of you.

That creative life force Shakti power within.

Let’s dive in!

Want to dive deeper?

  • Learn more about my mastermind program The Vital Goddess Mastermind and join the waitlist here

  • Learn more about my breathwork membership Shakti Core Breathwork Journeys here