Shakti Core

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3 Ways to Reclaim Your Dark Feminine

The feminine is a force of nature.

Society doesn’t make it easy to embody and express that.

And yet it’s absolutely key.

My own journey of reclaiming my feminine didn’t begin with sunshine, rainbows, love and light.

It began in the dark.

It began when I decided to step on the path of befriending my wild, unpredictable, untamable, stormy Dark Femme and invite her to the party.

I used to be terrified of this part of me, but what I’ve found to be true is that She’s my ride or die, my bff, my inner boundary boss and keeper of my deepest desires.

Connecting with this part of me literally brought me back to life.

This inner wild one is within every woman and holds the keys to accessing the full spectrum feminine.

Society says that this energy is dangerous. It will ruin our lives and ultimately lead us to self destruction.

I say, not if we learn how to harness this creative life-force power and turn in the direction of our desires.

We can learn how to integrate our Dark Femme in ways empower us and ways that feel good.

As one of my teacher’s once said: “Rage is passion without a place to play.”

Ready to give your Dark Femme a place to play?

Let’s dive in!

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Dive Deeper With Dianne

Learn More About the Dark Goddess Masterclass:

Explore The Deep Femme Series - Masterclass Bundle to Embody Your Feminine:

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4 Powerful Masterclasses to
Embody Your Sacred Feminine!

  • Reclaiming Aphrodite/Activating the 5 Sacred Codes of Venus

  • Sacred Union/Romancing the Sacred Masculine Within

  • Falling in Love With the Dark Goddess/Rage, Passion & Desire

  • Sacred Courtesan/Masters of Manifestation & Embodied Love

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