Shakti Core

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How Astrology Can Help You Embody Your Feminine Energy

Your feminine energy is as unique as your fingerprint.
And so is every other part of you!

We are such beautifully complex beings and not one of us is alike.

One of the things I love most about astrology is that it maps that out for us.

I started studying astrology around the same time I started to study Tantra and Taoist Sexual Yoga. In hindsight it all makes sense. It's all connected.

I now use astrology as a tool for Tantric embodiment. As a tool to support us in bringing spirit into matter so we can  be more of  the love we are at the core.  So that we can thrive more in intimacy, give our unique gifts and live the path that we came here to live in alignment.

Used consciously, astrology can be a huge permission slip to embody who we truly and fully are.

It's so important to understand that there is no one way to "be feminine" or "be masculine". We have both of these sacred energies within us.
And it's designed to work.

Society conditions us with such limiting templates of how we "should be" and how it all "should look". And that we need to continually source love and validation from external sources.

It's a recipe for disaster.
It infuses us with the belief that we're lacking in some way.
Perhaps in every way.
And I think we've all experienced that on some level.

This leads us into buying into the myth that there is a lover out there somewhere who can magically complete us.

The truth is, we're already complete. And we're starting to remember that.

There's a cosmic dance going on inside of all of us and when we start to work with the love affair within, we can experience a sense of deep wholeness and joy that allows us to show up in any partnership from a much fuller place.

This is where relationships can become a lot less frustrating and transactional and a lot more creative, fun and even sacred.

It's deep inner work.

And I believe that this is the essence of Tantra. And where Tantra and astrology meet.

It's also important to understand that it's never about being perfect.

It's about more joyfully living into our divine potential while acknowledging and embracing our very human experience.
With curiosity, awe and humor about this wild ride we signed up for.

In this episode we explore:

  • How astrology supported me (and still does) in embodying my sacred feminine

  • How astrology helps us activates the sacred codes within us and customize our embodiment practices

  • Bringing your Venus alive in sacred ritual

  • How astrology can help you activate the frequencies of your inner Venus, Mars and the Sacred Union within

  • How astrology can help us dissolve internalized patriarchy

See this content in the original post

Want to dive deeper?

  • Learn more about my Embodied Love Astrology Reading here

  • Apply for The Vital Goddess Mastermind here

  • Join my free breathwork membership Shakti Core® Breathwork Journeys here.

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