Shakti Core

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Practical Tantra For Goddesses in the Real World

Tantra can mean different things to different people.
To me Tantra is the yoga of embodying the love we are at the core.

It's the mind, body, spirit practice of coming home to the sacredness of our bodies, healing what blocks our full expression of love and coming fully alive.

It's the practice of landing our unique essence; our soul shine.  And remembering what our souls came to do and be in this world. It's a journey of spirit into matter.

Tantra to me is embracing all of who we are; the inner sacred union of our feminine and  masculine essences; the passionate love affair within. It's a devotional celebration of our sensuality and sexuality, our full palette of human emotions and our deepest desires.

Although sacred sexuality with others is a beautiful part of Tantra, there's so much more to the story.

First and foremost it's about self awareness, self love and self cultivation. It's a path of inner devotion; of waking up to our true nature and making love to life. Partner (or partners) are actually optional.

It's deep right? It doesn't mean it has to be complicated. It's so easy to get caught up in complexity, even seduced by it.

But we can make it as simple, practical and accessible as we need to. That to me is where things get really fun and interesting. It's where the real power lies. The kind of power that can change the world.

No one I know wants to devote years of their life living on a mountain some where at the feet of a Guru to find themselves.

The good news it that we don't have to.  And as we've found out from scandal after scandal, the Guru model definitely has its flaws. Especially when we bring sexuality into the picture. 

It's time for a new model. And it's happening! The truth that so many are waking up to is that the magic and enlightenment can truly happen right smack dab in the middle our our modern, busy lives.
We can truly be Goddesses in the real world. If we choose it.

Here I riff on:

  • Tantra under the patriarchy and dominator models

  • Trauma-informed Tantra

  • The new face of Tantra in the New World paradigm

  • My framework for sensual healing, pleasure reclamation & Goddess embodiment

  • Mindset

  • Embodiment; Breathwork, Movement and Yoni Mastery

  • Integration

  • Goddesses in the real world

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