Shakti Core

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Falling in Love With the Dark Goddess/Rage, Passion & Desire

"Rage is passion without a place to play." A teacher dropped that truth bomb on me when I was navigating probably the most emotionally charged seasons of my life to date.

My own Dark Goddess was screaming for attention and I was completely overwhelmed by the tsunami of emotions, (mostly anger and resentment), that were surging through me. I didn't know it at the time but this was a wake up call and an invitation into the deeper Sacred Feminine mysteries.

Our emotions are a gift; a treasure and a portal into our inner wisdom and our deepest desires. And we're taught to disown them, disconnect from them and numb them. And it leaves us wondering what we're missing.

We can't selectively numb, when we stifle and suppress the more intense emotions like anger, rage and grief, we shut down our joy, ecstasy and rapture. That's just the way it works.

 Learning how to work with our emotions and excavate the treasures buried within them can enliven us and align us with our true north. Knowing our inner Dark Goddess can transform our lives and awaken deep wells of creative and erotic life force energy.
And we can do it in a way that feels good. We don't have to

Venus has a sidekick, a beautiful dark sister who is essential and She wants to have our backs. She lives in all of us. But She requires an invitation to work Her magic in a way that feels good.

In this episode I dive into:

  • How Venus and the Dark Goddess are in cahoots

  • Meet my Dark Goddess

  • How the Dark Goddess is essential for the Feminine to rise

  • 3 ways to connect with your own Dark Goddess and give your passion a place to play

Let's dive in!

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Want to dive deeper?

  • Learn more about The Vital Goddess Mastermind here

  • Learn more about The Embodied Love Astrology Reading here

  • Join my free breathwork membership Shakti Core Breathwork Journeys here

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