Shakti Core

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The High Price of Decision Fatigue & The Pleasure Cure

Decisions decisions! Us modern humans have too many decisions to make.  As soon as we wake each morning we're barraged with decisions.  Some are minor, some major but they all require our energy and take up valuable bandwidth and sap our vitality.

When there are too many choices, we can easily become feel overwhelmed, anxious, stressed  and that can take a huge toll on our mental and physical health, not to mention our libido. It's hard to feel calm, in our pleasure and sexy  when we're in a state of mental overload.

During the holiday season this can really hit an apex and cause a lot of stress. So what can we do? We can turn to pleasure. Sensual embodiment is the cure to overwhelm  and the way to more empowered decision making.

  • The Holiday Embodiment Toolkit

  • Decisions and the stress response

  • How to get in alignment and make decisions from an embodied place

  • What is embodied integrity?

  • The small daily decisions that overwhelm us

  • The big decisions of midlife & menopause that require our full presence

  • What the Courtesans knew/ the power of embodied presence

  • How to access embodied presence

  • How to get into the frequency of Your Inner Pleasure Queen

See this content in the original post

Want to dive deeper?

  • Book your FREE Pleasure Queen Activation Session with me here

  • Check out my online program Second Spring Queen here

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