Shakti Core

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Calm Your Mind, Expand Your Pleasure, & Activate Your Inner Goddess With Sensual Breathwork

Working with the breath is perhaps the master key to sensual healing and erotic empowerment.

Over the past two years, I've been exploring different types of breathwork techniques and worked with some incredible teachers. There are so many ways to use the breath to alter our biochemistry and our state of being. I've explored some powerful techniques. Some, although effective, can be very intense and cathartic and sometimes a bit complicated.

What I found to be true is that the simplest breathwork technique turns out to be the most effective in expanding our pleasure.  

Breathing in a slow, rhythmic, continuous way stimulates our Vagus nerve which brings us into a state of flow where all the good stuff happens. I like to call this Sensual Breathwork.

In today's episode, I want to share a variation on this theme called Womb Breathing. When we breathe into our womb in a slow, steady rhythmic way, we can do some deep but gentle releasing of stored tension and trauma. 

When the womb is dormant it becomes a storehouse for unprocessed emotions. When awakened through the breath, it becomes an alchemical  cauldron and a source of embodied power. When you breathe into your womb you activate your sacred femme essence, your inner Goddess. And tap into a deep well of creativity and vitality.
Here I Riff on:

  • Breathwork through the lens of sensual pleasure

  • Why the simplest and most soothing technique is the most effective

  • What is Sensual Breathwork?

  • Finding the Tidal Rhythm of your breath

  • Why we want to stimulate the Vagus nerve

  • Boosting immunity and tissue repair

  • Cultivating safety from the inside out with the breath

  • The Ventral Vagal state and why we want to go there

  • Creating coherence and harmony in the body

  • Riding the wave of the breath

  • Why focus on the womb?

  • Your Sacred Femme Essence/Goddess Power

  • The power of ritual & structure

  • On the mat and off the mat practices

  • How the tidal rhythm connects you to nature

  • Activating your Goddess Power and inner radiance

See this content in the original post

Want to dive in deeper?

  • Download your Guided Womb Breathing Meditation here

  • Book your FREE Pleasure Queen Activation Session here

  • Check out my online program Second Spring Queen here

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