Hi, I’m Dianne!

I had a complete sexual and spiritual rebirth at menopause…

it hit me like a freight train and I was a mess, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Pelvic floor issues. Emotional roller coaster rides feeling like I’d lost the plot on my life…

Deep down inside I knew that I was just getting started… I have a lot of passion for life and there was so much more I wanted to do and experience yet… I was missing something.

Meditation helped…a bit.

Yoga helped…a bit.

Pilates helped…a bit.

But there was still a huge piece I was missing.

I didn’t know it at the time but I was receiving a wake up call from the Goddess.

It was time to claim my Deep Feminine.

I did.

And it changed everything.

I found that there is more.

So much more!

And that more has everything to do with embodying our unique expression of the Sacred Feminine.


That something was the Divine Feminine within me.

Reconnecting to my Sacred Feminine essence changed me forever.

In the Taoist tradition, menopause is called Second Spring. It’s a rebirth and a portal into the most exciting chapter of a woman’s life. A robust sexual and spiritual awakening. I’ve experienced that first hand.

My work is a synthesis of practices born out of my own healing journey. I love helping women embody their true essence and tap into the creative life force power of their sexual energy.


I believe that we are all here for a reason

That we have specific gifts to bring to this world and that the keys to unlocking our purpose and highest potential reside in our deepest core; our sexual essence. Our orgasmic nature. Our sacred feminine.

This essence is as unique as your fingerprint; and its activation is essential for you live the life you deserve.  When you unleash your Inner Venus you awaken to your true potential.

What if you could truly embody all of you?
Who would you be? What would your life look like?


When you claim your Sacred Feminine energy your claim your crown as queen of your life. 

Sounds like your thing?

Then we should definitely chat!

Book your free 30 minute Goddess Discovery Call!

The Vital Goddess Mastermind

Sacred Feminine Embodiment & Tantra for Midlife, Menopause & Beyond


Dianne has

over 15 years of experience with the Jade Egg and multi-orgasmic cultivation. She’s done many professional trainings including…

  • Certified Holistic Sexuality Coach with a major in Jade Egg from the Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality created by Layla Martin.

  • Certified Tao Tantric Arts teacher

  • Certified Trauma Release Exercise (TRE) provider

    & more in the fields of pilates, astrology & yoga…