The Vital Goddess®

Venusian Summer Series

Venusian Arts for the Modern, Mystical Woman

A series of 7 free masterclasses to awaken and embody your Inner Goddess of Love.

Hey Beautiful!

You’re a powerful woman.

Life is pretty darn good and yet I bet you’re craving more.

Have you’ve been feeling…

  • like you’re “stuck in your head” more than you want to be?

  • disconnected from your body and sensuality?

  • like you want to create more ease and flow in your life?

  • a sense of being numb - around emotions, creativity, joy, pleasure and sex?

  • checked out in the bedroom? And not able to sink in and enjoy intimacy?

  • like you’re in “go mode” a lot and and have trouble switching gears?

  • like your libido has gone MIA?

  • frustrated and maybe even resentful in a unfulfilling relationship and not sure what to do about it?

  • like you’d love to attract an amazing lover, someone to go deep with but it seems like there are no good men out there?

  • cut off from your magic? Your natural beauty, radiance and magnetism?

  • like you wanna get your groove back but you’re not sure how?

Maybe you’re doing all the things… eating well, meditating, exercise… Perhaps you have a solid yoga practice or do Pilates or Qi Gong? And yet a voice inside of you is saying…

What am I missing? There’s got to be more!”

Great news!

You’re spot on!

There is more.

So much more!

What’s happening here my love is that you are receiving a wake up call from Venus.

Yep, a direct invitation from Aphrodite Herself!

It’s time to claim your inner Goddess of Love.

Your sensuality is your personal HOLY GRAIL.

it’s the key to your Queendom. Sensual embodiment actually determines the quality of your life.

Pleasure is the ultimate holistic tonic and the portal to the sacred feminine life force within you. Pleasure is the source of your passion and libido. Pleasure is what makes you fully you; alive, radiant and magnetic at any age! Pleasure where you access your creativity, vitality, and intuitive genius.

Embracing & embodying your sensuality is the master key to become the Goddess you were born to be.

But let's face it, not too many people would tell you that. This world does not exactly support you to thrive as a woman. In the world we live in it’s easy to feel numb and cut off from your pleasure and feminine energy.

It’s time to change that!

Let’s make this Summer The Summer of love; Venusian Love!

Sounds fun?

Great! I’ve created a series of 7 free masterclasses to help you do exactly that.

Introducing: The Vital Goddess Venusian Summer Series:

  • All Masterclasses are 90 minutes and will meet at 1pm USEST.

  • If you can’t make it live, the replay will be in your inbox within 24 hours.

  • 2 days prior to each live masterclass you’ll receive a detailed email on what to expect.

  • Explore a unique form of breathwork steeped in Venusian principles curated to awaken your Inner Goddess of Love.

    We breathe in a wave like pattern (like the ocean) with an emphasis on pleasure, emotional alchemy, desire clarity and alignment.

    The breather is invited to "ride the waves" of the breath at their own pace.

    Following the "tidal rhythm" of the breath allows you to take an inner physical, emotional and spiritual journey into the realm of the sacred feminine.

    We’ll end with a simple, powerful (and PG) Sex Magic Ritual to leave you feeling radiant, magnetic and aligned with your unique Venusian Essence.

  • Taoist Breast Massage is one of the simplest and most effective ways to dial up your self-love and radiance, balance your hormones, and nourish your libido naturally.

    It’s one of the foundational practices in Taoist Sexual Yoga and an important gateway into becoming multi-orgasmic.

    Adding a regular breast massage to your routine cultivates the "love hormone" Oxytocin.

    Yes, you can create your very own love chemistry!

    When we are armored in the heart, energy gets stagnant in the breasts. This not only affects our physical health, but also blocks our love, joy, orgasm and creative expression.

    A daily sensual breast massage is a great way to love yourself up. It will keep your energy flowing in a healthy way and allow your sexual energy to fuel you.

    No more giving from an empty cup!

    Sounds good?

  • “Your sitting on a throne of gold. It’s your erotic anatomy.”

    Dr. Christiane Northrup waxes poetic on the Clitoris in her book Goddesses Never Age.

    Nestled within your pelvic floor lies a beautiful, magical, orchid-like organ; the full anatomy of your clitoris.

    The clitoris is so misunderstood.

    There's a lot more going on here then meets the eye.

    This gem of an organ is the only organ in the human body who's sole purpose is pleasure.

    A treasure for all Venusian women!

    There’s a lot here to explore.


    I thought so!

  • Are you curious about the Jade/Yoni Egg practice and what if can do for you?

    But you’re not really sure what it’s all about?

    Then this one’s for you, Bella!

    In this beginner’s masterclass I’ll breakdown all of the basics you need to know to about this powerful and magical practice.

    The Taoist Sexual Yoga practices are deep and powerful.

    I’m talking mind, body & spirit!

    Join me for an intro on Making Love to Crystals and get all of your Qs answered!

    We’ll talk Jade Eggs, Crystal Eggs, Yoni Wands and so muc more!

  • Are you yearning for more ease, flow, sensual pleasure and confidence in your body?

    Do you want to tap more deeply into your natural beauty and radiance?

    Do you want deeper access to your creativity and magic?

    Do you want to live more in alignment with your core desires and level-up your manifestation practice?

    Do you want to more fully embody the love that you know you are?

    And give your gifts from a place of joy and overflow?

    Venus has got your back!

    Within you lies a totally unique and potent sacred feminine essence waiting to be unleashed.

    And I’ve got some tools and practices to share with you on this!

    Here we explore The 5 Sacred Codes of Venus: Beauty, Abundance, Passion, Ecstasy & Love.

    Join me and get a direct experience of your Inner Venus!

    I know She’s in there!

  • The feminine is a force of nature.

    Society doesn’t make it easy to embody and express that.

    And yet it’s absolutely key to our reclamation of wholeness.

    My own journey of reclaiming my feminine didn’t begin with sunshine, rainbows, love and light.

    It began in the dark.

    It began when I decided to step on the path of befriending my wild, unpredictable, untamable, stormy Dark Femme and invite her to the party.

    I used to be terrified of this part of me, but what I’ve found to be true is that She’s my ride or die, my bff, my inner boundary boss and keeper of my deepest desires.

    Connecting with this part of me literally brought me back to life.

    This inner wild one is within every woman and holds the keys to accessing the full spectrum feminine.

    Society says that this energy is dangerous. It will ruin our lives and ultimately lead us to self destruction.

    I say, not if we learn how to harness this creative life-force power and turn in the direction of our desires.

    We can learn how to integrate our Dark Femme in ways empower us and ways that feel good.

    As one of my teacher’s once said: “Rage is passion without a place to play.”

    Ready to give your Dark Femme a place to play?

    I’ve got some tools for you Bella!

  • Hey Goddess, I know you’re rocking it in so many areas of your life, (but, yes, I'm daring to ask), how’s your love life?

    Are you like so many women on the planet..frustrated (to say the least) in the love department?

    Like “let’s not even go there?”

    Maybe you’re done with the whole mess and decided to focus on all of the other things in life that give you joy?

    I hear you!

    And I've been there.

    And I’ve got some tools to share.

    When it comes to romantic love we're been woefully misled.

    We've been told that "out there somewhere" is a perfect lover that is destined to complete us.

    We've taken the bait.

    And that sets us up for a lifetime of bitter disappointment and resentment.

    What if we could turn it all around?

    What if we could work some inner alchemy on this and shift our experience?

    What if we could come to the banquet of relationship, from a more nourished and empowered place?

    What if we could have a lot more fun?

    I believe we can.

    The magic is within you ,love.

    When you begin to really get that and work it, things will feel a whole lot different.


Meet Your Guide!


Hi, I’m Dianne

your Venusian Wingwoman!

I’d love to help you embody your inner Goddess of Love!

I spent far too many years disconnected to mine. At midlife I got a huge wake up call from Venus and had a complete sexual and spiritual rebirth at menopause.

I hit menopause at 40… or it hit me like a freight train. I was a mess. Physically, emotionally and spiritually. Pelvic floor issues. Emotional roller coaster rides. Feeling like I’d lost the plot on my life.

Yet deep down inside I knew that I was just getting started… I knew there had to be more.


Love Notes From the Venus Tribe…

Dianne's dedication, experience and enthusiasm show through in every part of her coaching. She's authentic, inspired, knowledgeable and supportive. I signed up for this program to increase my connection to my sexuality and pleasure, and to experience full body orgasms. I feel very encouraged by Dianne.”


It is rare in our society to have a space (or permission) to explore one’s own pleasure and vitality without any other reason than we all deserve to have a loving relationship with ourselves. Working with Dianne helped shift old patterns, open up necessary conversations with my partner, and helped me show up for myself in a more loving and accepting way."


“Being in Dianne’s program has deepened my relationship to my pleasure and sensuality. Her practices and exercises have allowed me to have the courage to speak my truth more and show people more of who I really am without being scared of being judged. It has helped me to set clear boundaries with my husband as I navigate through a difficult marriage. It has changed my relationship with my feminine essence in a deep way.“


"Dianne is a very special teacher and sensuality coach, with the qualities of a best friend who's had years worth of training and knowledge to draw from. She offers a complex range of programming which she presents warmly, consciously and with care.”


“I've been learning from Dianne in her program for over a year. I look forward to our Temple Sessions and have found them to be deeply healing to my nervous system as well as to my sensual and sexual self. Dianne has the qualities I seek in a mentor. She's passionately committed to this work. I highly recommend working with Dianne.


After meeting Dianne and feeling into her work I knew this was exactly what I was looking for in terms of support for this next leg of the journey. I love connecting to the other women in the program and to myself in this way. Thank you Dianne for creating such an incredible container.”


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Are you ready for a Venusian Summer?

Then you need to be here Bella!

Sign up below and I’ll take care of the rest.

I can’t wait to meet you!

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