Shakti Core

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3 Feminine Embodiment Practices to Stress Less & Flow More

Hey there Gorgeous!

Today I want to share a bit on something we all encounter pretty much on the daily; stress.

Stress is a fact of life, but unless we have the right tools to navigate it, it can wreak havoc on us body, mind and soul. It saps our vitality, ages us prematurely, cause all kinds of mental and physical aliments, and tanks our libido.

When we store unprocessed stress and the emotions connected to it in our bodies, it blocks our life force, natural radiance, creativity and joy.

Obviously, stress can be a major buzzkill.
But it doesn't have to go that way for you.

Mindset practices and affirmations can be great for managing stress, but if we want to go beyond simply managing stress to becoming a master navigator we need to dig deeper.

We need to think (and move) outside the box.

We need to tune into the body's wisdom and embrace the feminine principles of rhythm, flow, sensuality and giving space and permission to feel our full emotional range and ignite the ultimate healing elixir; our erotic power.

When we combine mindset or meditation practices with a daily does of feminine embodiment practice, we've got some potent tools to take the reins on stress and take back our power. Our fluid power that is.

In this episode I share:

  • The 3 most common types of stress 

  • How stress and emotions get stored in the body

  • The healing power of sensual breathwork

  • How sensual movement heals; igniting your fascial system

  • The healing power of sound; organic and the Taoist Healing Sounds

  • A simple formula to bring these practices into your daily life

Are you ready to bust some stress?
Let's dive in!

See this content in the original post

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