Shakti Core

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3 Ways Sensual Breathwork Can Awaken Your Sacred Feminine

Breathwork has gone viral.
How cool is that?

There are so many fabulous schools, teachers and coaches out there to learn from and experience the multitude of powerful benefits breathwork can provide.

After studying a variety breathwork techniques with some stellar teachers I realized that what I was truly craving was a breathwork practice that could drop me into my feminine.

I wanted a breathwork practice that was rooted in feminine principle and sensuality; a practice that could help me soothe my nervous system, release blocks to pleasure and open more to receiving.

I couldn't find it anywhere.
Even the practices in the category of "Tantric Breathwork"weren't doing for me.

So I rolled out my yoga mat, grabbed my essential oils and started experimenting.
After many  hours of exploring and refining, Shakti Core Breathwork was born.

If you're looking for a simple breathwork practice that can bring you into your feminine, expand your capacity to receive pleasure and dial up your radiance, magnetism and manifestation powers, this one's for you Bella!

Let's dive in!

See this content in the original post

Dive Deeper With Dianne

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