Shakti Core

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How to Embody your Erotic Power

The word embodiment gets used a lot. As does the word empowerment. They’re often used in the same sentence, but something is missing from the conversation. Something major. 

What are we missing? The very thing that women have been shamed for, blamed for, vilified for and attacked for for thousands of years. The most powerful force on the planet; the Femme Erotic.

 To reclaim our sensual sovereignty is to reclaim our magic. And that's no small thing. We have healing work to do. And much of it has to do with dissolving and transmuting generations of trauma and internalized patriarchy and cultivating honest emotional intimacy with ourselves.

It’s a tall order. And it’s an inside job.
As tempting as it can be, we can't check out or selectively numb. Not if we want to feel fully alive.

To reclaim our pleasure, we need to be willing to feel the raw, the real, and the intensity of this human experience. When we do, we gain access to the wisdom of our emotions, the power of inner alchemy and we open the doors to truly experiencing embodied erotic power. 

The collective pain body around human sexuality is immense. It  can seem daunting to step into this realm, I know. And yet if we want to thrive and If we care at all about the generations to come, step into it we must. It’s time. And we don't have to do it alone.

Our sexual energy is not just about sex. It’s the foundation of everything. And very few of us have ever been taught how to honor it as sacred, cultivate it and build personal love-infused power with it.

There are ways, arts, that can support you in this. These arts have been violently subdued and submerged for thousands of years. Almost to  a state of oblivion  But they are resurfacing.
We're starting to remember.

These are the arts of  the Goddess of  Love, Alchemy and Beauty. I call her Venus, but She goes by many names. And ready or not, She's coming back full force. And right on time.

I feel that this is the new frontier of women's empowerment. And there are some brave and beautiful women who are diving into this wild and vast terrain of the feminine and reclaiming themselves mind body and soul. These women are my heroes. They are changing the world by changing their world. 
As Buckminster Fuller said:  "To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

To heal our sensuality and reclaim our embodied erotic power is to build a new sustainable model by building internal power.

The kind of power and internal knowing that no one can ever take away from you.  A state of being where you have a direct line to your divinity, know who you are and why you're here. 

A state of being where you get to fully express and give your gifts from a solid foundation of inspired, aligned and pleasure-infused action.

In this episode I cover:

  • What is embodied erotic power? And how it differs from other types of power.

  • How embodied erotic power is sustainable power

  • Embracing the physical, emotional and spiritual

  • How your erotic/sexual energy is not just about sex

  • Eros and inner wisdom

  • Remembering and reconnecting

  • The missing link: our sensuality

  • The high cost of shaming our sensuality

  • Why we need sensual/erotic practice to anchor our power

  • Libido and Yoni Mastery

  • How we give our power away

  • Reclaiming the sacred vessel of your body

  • Coming home to our senses

  • Cultivating a pleasure mindset and conquering limiting beliefs about our sensuality

  • Investing in pleasure and the power of consistent practice

  • Fueling your passion with pleasure

  • Starting a mindful sensuality practice

  • Creating a sanctuary for your sensuality

  • Sacred self-pleasure

  • Pleasure as a portal into the Sacred Feminine

  • The Jade Egg Practice and physical, emotional & spiritual healing

  • Healing emotional bypass

See this content in the original post

Want to dive in deeper?

  • Download your free Cultivating a Pleasure Mindset PDF Guide here

  • Sign up for free mini-course The Ultimate Jade Egg Primer here

  • Book your free Pleasure Queen Activation Session here

  • Join The Vital Goddess Masterclass here

The Vital Goddess Masterclass

If you're resonating with what I'm saying here in the show, I've created a free training for you to take it deeper. It's super juicy, and robust. A must-watch for any turned-on seasoned woman!

in this training you will learn :

  • Why pleasure actually matters.

  • What Sacred Feminine Energy is + how to know when we’re cut off from it

  • Why we want to tap into this innate sensual power within.

  • Why midlife is the best time to tap into it!

  • How we activate & embody our inner goddess.

  • What the Taoist Jade Egg Practice is

  • & why it’s the master tool for all of the above.

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