Your Intuition is Gold/How to Tap Into it & Dial it Up
These are wild times we're living in.
So much going on.
So much uncertainty.
So many things clamoring for our attention & concern.
It's huge.
It's heartbreaking.
And It can be so easy to collapse into overwhelm, fear and doubt.
Have you found yourself in that dead end space of trying to make sense of all?
Trying to figure it out?
I hear you!
We've been trained to rely on and over use that part of our brain.
To go there for the answers to life's increasingly complex challenges.
And I'm sure you've noticed, it doesn't really work.
The more we try to figure it out, the more stressed & anxious we get.
Not a powerful place to be.
Here's a quote from the oh so quotable Albert Einstein that stopped me in my tracks the other day:
“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift. The rational mind is a faithful servant. We’ve created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”
What if the solutions we seek are beyond what the logical mind can grasp?
What if you could cut through the din and tune into the wisdom of the gift within?
That part of you that just knows what she knows?
And trusts that knowing?
You can.
And your sensuality has everything to do with it.
I'm not saying that the problems of this world aren't real.
They certainly are.
But we get to choose how we show up.
Let's dive in!
The Goddess Vault
is a secret garden resource library chock full of juicy tools & practices to awaken your Inner Goddess of Love.
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