How to Truly Heal Your Pelvic Floor & Never Kegel Again


Hey there Gorgeous!

How do you feel about Kegel exercises?
Do you love them?
Do you hate them?
Do you do them?
To be honest, I've never been a fan.
Most of the women I know feel similarly.

Although the big K is still the standard advice for pelvic floor care, and can definitely deliver some tangible results, so many women I've met through my work over the years have had a hunch that there's more to explore.

If that's you, I applaud you!
You're spot on, love.
There IS more.
So much more.

That's why I want to do a deeper dive in this week's episode on how we truly heal the pelvic floor (and the entire Femme core) and ditch the Kegel for good.

Here's what you'll find:

  • The shift into the new paradigm; the rise of the Feminine and the journey from wellness to wholeness

  • Why a mind, body, spirit approach is key to true healing

  • How tapping into your flow/fluid power; your amazing fascial network is so key

  • The truth about the Femme core and why Martha Graham was so on point when she told her students: "Move from your vagina!"

  • My top suggestions to start your healing journey

Are you ready for a deeper (and much more pleasurable) experience of your Femme core?

Let's dive in!