Midlife Crisis? How Astrology Can Help!


Hey Gorgeous! 

Today I want to get a little cosmic with you.

Are you game?

I want to talk about astrology and how it can work for you.

Hear me out:)

At first glance astrology can seem kinda woo, I get it. But I’m here to say while on the one hand, yes it’s magical and I love that.  And on the other hand it’s super practical and I love that too.

What I love so much about astrology is that it can give context and meaning to the sometime crazy shit that we go through as spiritual beings having this very human experience.

And let’s be honest, when it comes to midlife and aging things can get a little “unsteady on the jetty” to say the least. 

And adding to the confusion, we have a lot of disempowering messages coming our way. 

Have you noticed?

We’re told in so many subtle (and not so subtle) ways that we’re being put out to pasture.

Astrology says “forget that bs, you’re just getting started!”

Astrology can be enormously supportive at any stage of life but I want to speak specifically to how it can serve us at midlife. 

If we’re open to it.

Does midlife really need to be a crisis? Not if we’re wiling to do some inner work.

Does midlife have to be the beginning of the end? 

No. It can be a rebirth; a realignment with who we truly are and what we came here to do. 

From the ages of around 40-60 we have four invitations/ opportunities to do some deep soul work. And astrology maps that out for us.

Doing this work can help you get aligned and set yourself up for a rewarding,  joyful and even spicy and juicy third chapter of life.

Astrology is not a belief system, it’s a language that can help us navigate these midlife initiation portals with more clarity, ease, love, compassion, joy, gratitude and success. 

In this episode I dive into:

  • Reframing “mid life crisis” into “juicy initiation portals”

  • How astrology can help us cut to the chase and customize our inner work

  • 4 powerful initiation portals in midlife to tune into; (Uranus Opposition, Chiron Return, Venus Returns & 2nd Saturn Return)

Let's dive in!