The Rise of the Feminine & the New Paradigm of Wellness


Hey Beautiful!

As the feminine energy rises on the planet, “the times they are a- changing”.

Never before have we had such a mass interest in holistic healing and wellbeing.

We’re waking up to our true nature and potential.

We’re expanding.

And we’re craving more depth.

While super foods, power smoothies, fitness, Yoga and meditation are always going to be foundational to well being, a new take on what it truly means to thrive is emerging.

We’re moving beyond a simplistic mechanical view of the body; ( ie: the body is a machine that breaks and needs to be fixed), into a perspective steeped in the beautiful, cosmic, rich truth of who we are.

I’ve been working in the wellness industry for over 20 years now; initially as a Pilates and Yoga teacher and now as a Tantra/Jade Egg & Feminine Embodiment coach.

And I can’t help but notice the changing of the tides; it’s more like a tsunami actually. And it’s pretty darn exciting!

A new paradigm is being birthed. One that embraces the feminine. One that honors mind, body and spirit. One that celebrates the beauty, power and sacredness of our bodies and our sensuality.

We’re healing.

We’re remembering.

And we’re just getting started.

Let’s dive in!


Want to dive deeper?

  • Learn more about my mastermind program The Vital Goddess Mastermind and join the waitlist here

  • Learn more about my breathwork membership Shakti Core Breathwork Journeys here