Shakti Core

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3 Common Habits That Block Our Feminine Energy and How to Turn Them Around

Our daily habits and mindset can support us or sabotage us.

We've all accumulated a certain degree of negative believes and unhealthy habits when it comes to the feminine.

No blame or shame here, but it's something we really need to take a look at if we want to truly embody our feminine power.

Cultural conditioning and the push towards external validation has reached a crisis point. And it's created some really unhealthy habits. I call this internalized patriarchy.

Once we see and name it, we can do something to change it.

In this episode we explore:

  • The toxicity of overbooking

  • The trouble with micro-managing and the hazards of decision fatigue

  • The perfectionism virus and the big lie

  • How your feminine thrives

Let's roll up our sleeves and dive in.

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