The 5 Sacred Feminine Codes of Venus and How to Activate Them

Ecstasy aka Orgasm.
I call these the 5 Sacred Codes of Venus.

These are things that most women are craving and yet we've been massively led astray.

We've been led in the exact opposite direction of where we need to go.

We've been taught to look outside of ourselves, fed the toxic mimic of these things which creates a hungry ghost in our feminine soul leaving us wondering what we're missing.

Our bodies have had the answer all along.
When we turn towards the body and begin to awaken our inner feminine essence with feminine embodiment practices, we begin to remember.

We remember that we are beauty.
We are abundance.
We are passion.
We are ecstasy.
We are love.
In the flesh.

Embodiment practices are the breadcrumbs on the trail leading us home.

In this episode we explore:

  • The 5 Sacred Codes of Venus

  • How to activate them

  • A simple meditation to connect with your inner Venus

Let’s dive in!

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