An Ancient Practice to Nourish Your Libido and Cultivate Your Sacred Feminine Energy


Today I want to share with you one of my favorite feminine embodiment practices: The Taoist Breast Massage.

I’ve been practicing breast massage daily for years and it has completely transformed my physical breasts and my relationship with my breasts. It’s also deepened my connection to my sexual vitality, feminine essence and my experience of pleasure.

Breast Massage is one of the simplest and most effective ways to increase your self-love and radiance, balance your hormones, and nourish your libido naturally. It’s one of the foundational practices in the Jade Egg practice and an important gateway into becoming multi-orgasmic.

From the Taoist perspective, the breasts are considered to be our positive poles and the seat of our Love Chi for women.

This is how we give our gifts to the world and where we source our love and nurturing for ourselves and others. When we are armored in the heart, energy gets stagnant in the breasts. This not only affects our physical health, but also blocks our love, joy, and creative expression.

Breast massage circulates blood and lymph which is critical for breast health, but it also circulates chi or energy which keeps us vibrant and radiant.

Breast massage also promotes firming and toning of the breasts.

A regular Breast Massage practice is one of the best things you can do to nourish your libido.

Here I riff on:

  • The benefits of a regular mindful breast massage

  • De-armoring the heart

  • How our breasts absorb emotions and energy

  • The breasts and heart as positive poles/how we give our gifts to the world

  • The breasts/libido connection

  • Giving from abundance

  • Breast massage and the Jade Egg practice

  • Embodying your sexual vitality

  • Why breast massage needs to be about pleasure

  • How breast massage connects us to our feminine energy

  • How breast massage helps harmonize our hormones/The Love Hormone

  • How breast massage nourishes our libido/Yin Power

  • How to do a simple breast massage

  • How to take it deeper with sensual ritual


Want to dive deeper?


The Vital Goddess Masterclass

If you're resonating with what I'm saying here in the show, I've created a free training for you to take it deeper. It's super juicy, and robust. A must-watch for any turned-on seasoned woman!

in this training you will learn :

  • Why pleasure actually matters.

  • What Sacred Feminine Energy is + how to know when we’re cut off from it

  • Why we want to tap into this innate sensual power within.

  • Why midlife is the best time to tap into it!

  • How we activate & embody our inner goddess.

  • What the Taoist Jade Egg Practice is

  • & why it’s the master tool for all of the above.


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