How to Cultivate a Deeply Nourishing Sex Life (With or Without a Partner(s)

Here's a journal prompt worth its weight in gold:  How do you actually want to feel in your intimate life? 

Connected? Nourished? Seen? Supported? Honored? Worshipped? Magical? Beautiful? Passionate? Wild? Free? Cosmic? Powerful? Authentic? Creative? Fluid? 

Please add to this list! When you know what you want you're in a place where you can actually cultivate it. And I want that for you.

Desire clarity is gold. Otherwise we can easily fall prey to betraying our authentic selves in love. And in every relationship. This is not your fault. This is the conditioning  we received from the very unbalanced culture that most of us were raised in. When it  comes to sex, we've been lied to, literally. 

The good news is we can choose to decondition. We can choose our truth.

Until we explore what we truly want erotically we end up on the path that so many women find themselves on.  Feeling angry, resentful, unloved, unworthy, overwhelmed, frustrated, disappointed, confused, shamed, the list goes on.
It doesn't have to be that way. You can take the reins and become your own best lover. And when you do, your experience with any lover(s) will shift.

If you're a woman who's craving more, and most women drawn to my work are, this one's for you. We have so much untapped potential. 

I feel that the biggest missing piece for so many of us is flow. The Yoni is all about flow; fluid power that nourishes and builds true connection. Sacred, cosmic connection.

When we tap into our fluid power by waking up the Yoni, our sex lives can become a source of deep nourishment; mind, body and soul. 


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