How Your Pleasure Serves the World

Is pleasure selfish?
I used to think so.
What I've found to be true is the opposite.

The deeper I've gone into my sensual embodiment practices over the last 15 years or so, the more I see the effect it continues to have not just on me but on everyone in my life.

As within, so without.

And I see similar effects with my clients.

There are a number of things I've observed over the years that can happen when a woman commits to her pleasure I'll list just a few.

When we reclaim our pleasure we:

  • build presence, power and resilience

  • are more joyful, hopeful, more peaceful and naturally more full of gratitude

  • become more creative

  • reclaim our natural radiance; we glow

  • celebrate the beauty and power of other women

  • start to really appreciate men

  • become more fully alive, passionate and inhabit our libido

  • begin to take better care of ourselves in all ways

  • become better at finding our calm in the storm and not sweating the small stuff

  • get better at honoring and feeling our emotions, and to tap into their wisdom

  • connect more deeply to our intuition

  • stop blaming, and take responsibility

  • more able to step away from drama and get better at cultivating connection

  • begin to feel full, fueled; deeply nourished

  • align with our true north

  • claim our worth, begin to value ourselves more and often get better with money

  • begin to get really clear on our desires and speak our truth

  • get much better at setting boundaries

  • find our voice in a new way

  • begin to have more body confidence in and out of the bedroom

  • don't fret about growing older, we relish it

  • actually become multi-orgasmic

  • start to fall in love with ourselves in a very deep and even romantic way!

  • find true compassion for ourselves and others

These are all different facets of embodying the sacred feminine essence within.

And it changes everything.

Pleasure, your pleasure, is really the foundation of how you can truly live the life you came here to live. And give your gifts from a full cup.
Let's dive in!


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