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No Time For Pleasure? Let's Talk About It!

Your time is such a precious resource and for most women it seems like it's in short supply. If you feel like your days are packed and you barely have time to take a deep breath, you're in good company.

The pace of life can definitely create a strong narrative that we have no time for pleasure, creativity, joy and all the good things in life.

I get that.
I feel that way at times as well.
And I want to challenge that.

Creating spaciousness in our lives is essential for tapping into our pleasure and our magic.

The tough news is that no one can create that space in our lives except us.
No blaming and shaming here, but it's so true.

The tsunami of busyness is consuming women around the globe.
Not to sound too alarmist but it's reaching a crisis level.

But we can turn the tides, when we decide.
We have a lot more agency than modern culture leads us to believe.

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