Pleasure: The Ultimate Antidote to Ageism

If you’ve ever felt like you’re being put out to pasture, this one’s for you. 

Ageism is toxic and it can stop a woman in her tracks just when she’s getting started. In this episode I dive into why I believe that sensual pleasure is the ultimate antidote to ageism.

Fear mongering around growing older, especially for women, is rampant. It’s really easy to buy into it and it’s really easy to internalize it. And I think that’s where it becomes the most toxic.

Our bodies are always listening  and responding to our thoughts and the messages that come at us through society.  If we have a narrative of ageism running in our brain it’s absolutely going to impact our physical health, our mental health, our radiance, our beauty, our libido, our creativity; everything. 

Ageism is a form of shame and it blocks our chi, our life force energy. As we head into the third chapter of lives we get hard with with it.

Many women who  come to my work say things like: “ WTF…I feel like I’m being put out to pasture but I inside I know that there’s  got to be more.” That knowing is the feminine speaking. The part in everywoman who knows there’s more. And there is, so much more. And we have a lot more agency to claim that more than we’re led to believe.

It’s no secret that ageism sells. There are many businesses that profit massively on women being terrified of aging. 

But it doesn’t have to go that way. When we turn towards our sensual pleasure we take back our power.

Pleasure is  truly the ultimate antidote.

Here I riff on:

  • The toxic narrative of ageism and how it impacts us

  • Ageism and shame

  • How ageism turns us into cash cows

  • Defying the lie and claiming pleasure

  • How pleasure connects us to our embodied feminine wisdom

  • Emotional intelligence and body wisdom

  • Pleasure and our inner compass

  • Yoni wisdom and seeing through the bull shit

  • The truth and wisdom of midlife rage

  • Desire as a guide

  • Two recent examples of how ageism was coming at me and my Yoni steered me in right direction


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