Best Practices to Reclaim your Inner Aphrodite

To reclaim Aphrodite is to choose love over fear.
It's a bold move.
To claim your life force, shine unapologetically in the world, gift your gifts from a place of joy and pleasure and create your life from desire is your birthright.

And it terrifies most women.

While the fear is understandable, (thousands of years of patriarchy.)
We can't let it stop us if we truly want to live the life we came here to live.
We can feel the fear and alchemize it into power.
We can strengthen our innate frequency of Venusian love.

The most powerful love there is.

There are practices, tools, and arts for this.
Your body remembers.
It's just your mind that's forgotten.

We can heal from this case of collective amnesia and cultivate the love that lives at our core.

It begins with you deciding and it's sustained with your commitment to doing the work.

Today I want to go into the nuts and bolts of what "the work" in this realm requires and why I created The Vital Goddess Mastermind to support you in this.

Welcome to my Venusian mystery school dear sister!
“Venus favors the bold.” -Ovid

In this episode I riff on:

  • How menopause kicked me onto the pleasure path

  • What your Inner Goddess needs most to unfold

  • The framework to embody your Inner Goddess of Love

Want to dive deeper?

  • Book your free Virtual Coffee Date with me here

  • Learn more about The Vital Goddess Mastermind here

  • Join my free sensual breathwork membership here

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