Reclaiming the Sensuality of the Breath/Sensual Breathwork

Sensual sovereignty begins with the breath. It's the master key to activating the Holy Grail within and restoring our natural multi-orgasmic nature.

Orgasm is a continuum. It's a wave- like life force energy that's available to all of us. When we restore our connection to the natural tidal rhythm of our breath we learn to open the pathways of this energy to flow more freely in our bodies. 

When we journey into the magnificent vessels of our bodies with the practice of conscious connected breath, we ignite our natural capacity to heal on physical emotional and spiritual levels.

When we invite our sensuality into the practice, it brings breath medicine to a whole new level. Our sensuality is the secret sauce that most people are missing.  When we bring our sensual selves into the process we're coming from a place of grounded feminine power. And that has a profound effect on our healing.

Sensual Breathwork™ has the power to dissolve long held emotional and physical blocks to our pleasure.  When we learn to receive the breath we can melt  tension and trauma that has been holding us captive for decades. And do so in the most gentle, loving and compassionate way. When we open to the breath, we open to life.
When we breathe in the way we are naturally designed to breathe and learn to truly receive the medicine of the breath, we set ourselves free and reclaim our birthright of being connected to and supported by the orgasmic wave of life.

The keys to our queendom are literally right under our noses.

In this episode I dive into:

  • How we block the magic of the breath and why that makes sense

  • How we are naturally designed to breathe

  • How our natural breath heals our physical body

  • How our natural breath heals our emotional body

  • How our natural breath activates our sacred essence

  • How we are designed to breathe in ways that can put us into stats of ecstasy in seconds

  • The power of the nose inhale

  • How our armoring blocks our pleasure

  • A simple way to start to turn it around

  • How to invite in the sensuality of the breath with the sense of smell

  • Breathing into the heart and womb

  • How the breath teaches us to receive and surrender to pleasure

  • What is the practice of Sensual Breathwork™?

  • Why is it so powerful?

  • Catching the wave of the breath and entering your flow state

  • Letting go of the "fix it" syndrome

  • Befriending our blocks

  • How the breath helps us meet and heal our physical & emotional wounds

  • The wisdom of our emotions

  • How the subconscious mind runs us and how the breath gives us access to healing

  • How the breath is a portal into our divinity aka our Inner Goddess

  • The sacred experiment of seeing the breath as a lover


Ready to take it deeper?


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