Why Every Woman Needs a Temple

Hey! I'm back after a summer adventure in the mountains and ready to get back to work. Goddess style.

As we turn the corner into Virgo season, I'm feeling a strong craving for deep ritual.
A desire to recommitment to sacred work.

For me that means getting back to the temple.
Getting back in the rhythm and flow of regular sensual practice.
In community.

As kid I always resented "back to school season." It seemed like such a rude interruption of my wild and free life.

Now I love this time of year.
It ignites my inner Priestess.

This time of year is an opportunity to take stock. To get grounded and get precise on the exact practices that keep our internal flame glowing brightly.

To honor the body temple and to do the sacred work.

In this episode I riff on why every woman needs a temple and share some exciting updates and a massive discount to my program Second Spring Queen.

Let's dive in!


The Vital Goddess Masterclass

If you're resonating with what I'm saying here in the show, I've created a free training for you to take it deeper. It's super juicy, and robust. A must-watch for any turned-on seasoned woman!

in this training you will learn :

  • Why pleasure actually matters.

  • What Sacred Feminine Energy is + how to know when we’re cut off from it

  • Why we want to tap into this innate sensual power within.

  • Why midlife is the best time to tap into it!

  • How we activate & embody our inner goddess.

  • What the Taoist Jade Egg Practice is

  • & why it’s the master tool for all of the above.

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