How to Release Anxiety & Open to Receive


Hi Love!

Today I want to share with you a Taoist somatic practice to help you release anxiety & worry so that you can open more fully to receive all the good things in life.

We’re talking about more joy, more peace, more abundance, more pleasure and heck this short and body meditaiton can even help you receive more high-vibe nutrients from your morning smoothie.

This simple gem of a practice is ancient and powerful. Done on a consistent basis over time it can really get to the root cause of anxiety, worry and that horrible nagging feeling of not having our needs met. Which btw, totally sucks!

When we’re in that place often it puts us into stress mode and we loose connection to ourselves. It’s impossible to feel truly nourished and grounded which leaves us vulnerable to reaching for what I like to call “empty calories.”

And I don’t mean just food.

This can look like unhealthy food choices for sure, but also overindulging in Netflix, scrolling on IG, drugs or alcohol and even in choosing to spend time with people who drain us, who we know are not a good fit for us or don’t have our best interest at heart.

That’s no place for a Vital Goddess like you to hang out!

Luckily there’s a super simple way to reclaim your power.

It involves breath, movement and a very specific Taoist Healing Sound.

Are you game to give it a try?

Kick off your shoes and socks, put on some comfy clothes and let’s dive in!