How to Release Control & Reclaim Your Feminine


Hey Beautiful!

This is an episode about control. And I used to have lots of it. 
And it didn’t feel so good.

While I love that old Janet Jackson song, too much control can be really problematic.
As a former (and at times still recovering) control freak, I know this terrain well and I feel it’s something worth exploring. 

There’s a lot here.

I mean, who doesn’t like a little control? It can feel so good,.

Until it doesn’t.

Of course having some control in our lives is essential but in the world we live in, we can easily go overboard and even get addicted to having control and find ourselves in chronic survival mode.

Uber control is not sexy. It can shut down our sensuality and have serious effects on our mental and physical health. When we are '“white knuckling” our way through life we are literally putting ourselves in fight, flight and freeze and miles away from pleasure.

Instead of having all of our ducks in a row, I think there’s a lot of value in learning how to let those ducks swim. 

We can learn to let go and flow more and when we do, we get access to the most radiant, creative and powerful parts of ourselves.

I’ve got some tools for you.
Let's dive in!


Want to dive deeper?

  • Learn more about my breathwork membership Shakti Core Breathwork Journeys here

  • Learn more about my mastermind program The Vital Goddess Mastermind here