The rise of the feminine starts with you

 Custom 1:1 Jade Egg & Feminine Embodiment Coaching

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The rise of the feminine is not some “out there” ethereal concept. It’s about embodiment.

The sacred feminine or Shakti is rising through us. The core question that infuses all of my work is:

How is Shakti rising in you?

The Jade Egg practice is one of the most curative and empowering practices known to womankind.

When is comes to feminine embodiment it’s essential.

Our Shakti essence is our sexual essence.

And we can’t fully embody our feminine power unless we full embody our sexuality.

And that requires healing; Yoni healing.

While the concept of this practice seems simple, this is deep work.

It’s an ancient form of yoga; a feminine spiritual practice.

It’s a mind/body/spirit on the most profound level.

And it can help you transform your life from the inside out; a sexual and spiritual rebirth.

And yet…

Every woman I know who has purchased an egg (myself included), comes face to face with resistance when starting this practice.

First of all, I want to normalize that.

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“how we work with that resistance matters”


Most women who start a Jade Egg practice give up almost as soon as they start.

We all carry trauma.

Given the cultural climate most of us have been raised in around sensuality and sexuality, and the personal and collective trauma-inducing experiences of life in the patriarchy… of course we’re going to have resistance!

That’s your body’s way of protecting you and it totally makes sense!

Resistance is an essential part of being human.

How we work with that resistance matters.

When it comes to blocks we have towards sensual pleasure, we need to handle ourselves with care. I believe that when we meet those resistant parts of us with love, they start to soften and heal. I’ve seen this in myself and with clients.

I offer a trauma-informed, client-centered approach in my coaching practice. We’ll focus a lot on your unique nervous system and create a plan that works best for you. You’ll learn how to create more safety and resiliency in your body so that you can open to pleasure in your own time, on your own terms.


A little backstory on me…

Hey, I’m Dianne.

And this may sound strange, but I had a complete sexual and spiritual rebirth at menopause.

It hit me like a freight train and I was a mess, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Pelvic floor issues. Emotional roller coaster rides feeling like I’d lost the plot on my life…

Deep down inside I knew that I was just getting started… I have a lot of passion for life and there was so much more I wanted to do and experience yet… I was missing something.


That something was Shakti.

Reconnecting to my Sacred Feminine essence changed me forever.

In the Taoist tradition, menopause is called Second Spring. It’s a rebirth and a portal into the most exciting chapter of a woman’s life. A robust sexual and spiritual awakening. I’ve experienced that first hand.

My work is a synthesis of practices born out of my own healing journey. I love helping women embody their true essence and tap into the creative life force power of their sexual energy.


I believe that we are all here for a reason

That we have specific gifts to bring to this world and that the keys to unlocking our purpose and highest potential reside in our deepest core; our sexual essence. Our orgasmic nature. Our sacred feminine.

This essence is as unique as your fingerprint; and its activation is essential for you live the life you deserve.  When you unleash your sexual energy, you awaken to your true potential.

What if you could truly embody all of you?
Who would you be? What would your life look like?


When you claim your sexual energy your claim your crown as queen of your life. 


Dianne has

over 12 years of experience with the Jade Egg and multi-orgasmic cultivation. She’s done many professional trainings including…

  • Certified Holistic Sexuality Coach with a major in Jade Egg from the Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality created by Layla Martin.

  • Certified Tao Tantric Arts teacher

  • Certified Trauma Release Exercise (TRE) provider

    & more in the fields of pilates, astrology & yoga…


You deserve custom support!

We’re not meant to go it alone!

Get 1:1 support from a woman who’s been there!


I offer an empowering 1:1 container for women who want to:

  • embody the power of their sensuality

  • embody their unique expression of the Sacred Feminine

  • heal their sexual trauma and their pelvis and their relationship to pleasure

  • reconnect to and embody the sacred feminine within

  • live from their desire

  • manifest, co-create and rock their 3rd chapter like a queen

1:1 sessions are customized to meet your needs and may include a blend of:

  • emotional processes

  • inner child work

  • somatic healing sessions

  • mindset work to shift blocks around sensuality and experiencing pleasure

  • feminine healing and embodiment practices (from Tao, Tantric, holistic sexuality, and jade egg tradition)

  • trauma resolution


The Details:

  • A four month container with 12 sessions (these one-hour sessions are held via Zoom)

  • Lifetime access to Jade Rebirth (my signature Jade Egg mastery course/$297 USD value)

  • Unlimited support for four months via Voxer or Email

Your Investment:

$2,400 USD or 4 payments of $600 USD


It starts with a FREE one hour discovery call!

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