Vital Goddess® Breathwork Journeys

When we breathe like the ocean, we remember

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Conscious breath is the master key to activating and embodying your feminine energy.

In Vital Goddess Breathwork Journeys we explore the breath as a 

Sacred Feminine Activation


We  use a form of  Conscious Connected Breath steeped in the feminine principles of opening to  sensual pleasure, to inner beauty and radiance, to passion and the full range of our emotional intelligence and to the essence of divine embodied love that we are at the core.

The  technique we use is a steady, rhythmic breath that 's soothing to the nervous system and promotes release of tension,  stress and trauma. These often block our capacity to feel safe in the body and actually feel pleasure. Staying in a state of tension, stress & trauma keeps us stuck in stress cycles.

The breather is invited to "ride the waves" of the breath at their own pace. Following the "tidal rhythm" of the breath allows the breather to take an inner physical, emotional and spiritual  journey into the realm of the sacred feminine.

Vital Goddess Breathwork Journeys are 45 minute sessions held live via Zoom.

Your Investment:

$37 USD per month


When you sign up you receive


Welcome Tutorial Video
What is sensual breathwork and how does it connect us to our Inner Venus?

Here I explain what we do and why we do it this way and what to expect on a Vital Goddess Breathwork Journey.

Twice-Monthly Live Breathwork Sessions & Q &A/Live Coaching
45 minute guided group sessions on Zoom

Plus the audio replays of our live sessions if you can’t make it live.

Lunar Love Rituals
Every New and Full Moon you’ll receive a video overview of the astrology at hand and a guided audio breathwork journey to connect with the lunar energy and clear on your desires and bring them into a powerful manifestation practice.


Disclaimer: Breathwork is undertaken at your own risk. It is not designed to treat or cure any illness or disease. Consultation with a medical professional is always recommended prior to practice. Breathwork Facilitators are not trained to diagnose any medical conditions or recommend any treatment.

  • Please do not engage with breathwork if you have any of the following conditions:

    • Pregnancy

    • Severe PTSD or trauma

    • Actively using recreational drugs

    • Taking any medication that alters brain chemistry like anti-anxiety, anti-depressant, ADD, OCD medications, etc.

    • Prescription blood thinners or anti-clotting medications

    • Kidney disease

    • High Blood Pressure

    • Cardiovascular disease, including angina, previous heart attack, or any other cardiovascular issues

    • Strokes or TIAs

    • Seizures, history of seizures or other brain/neurological condition or disease

    • Diagnosis of aneurysm (of any kind)

    • Uncontrolled thyroid conditions

    • Diabetes (any type)

    • Epilepsy

    • Prior diagnosis of bipolar disorder, schizophrenia or previous psychiatric condition

    • Recent surgery, stitches or injury

Meet your guide!


Hi, I’m Dianne,

Dianne Shepherd is a a certified Holistic Sexuality Coach with a major in the Taoist Jade Egg practice, Tao Tantric Arts facilitator, TRE provider (Trauma Release Exercise).

She is the founder of The Shakti Core® Method and host of The Vital Goddess Podcast!

Dianne has helped many women reclaim their sensuality and pleasure by leading them through tried and true sensual/spiritual embodiment practices.

With over 15 years of experience exploring the Tantric and Taoist Sacred Feminine Arts, she is on a mission to help you rebirth your life with the power of pleasure!


Join Vital Goddess Breathwork Journeys

I invite you to join me on this journey back to your Sacred Feminine.

Let's breathe and remember together.
View our current journey schedule
here to join the next live journey!


When you sign up you'll receive reminder emails of upcoming breathwork journeys. By signing up you agree to our privacy policy.

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