5 Ways to Unleash Your Wild Feminine This Summer

What or who is the Wild Feminine within?

There's a lot in the online space these days about unleashing the wild feminine or re-wilding the feminine. While I think that's awesome, I think some of the marketing out there can be misleading.

I've seen a lot of messaging that implies that for a woman to reclaim her wild she needs to be overtly sexual and/or she needs to go through some kind of deep dark messy cathartic process that will totally disrupt her life.

While that may be some women's experience, it doesn't have to be that way. And I feel that message can end up putting pressure on women to be performative. Or it gives the feeling that there's a certain way to "do it right".

What I've found to be true is that our erotic wild nature is intimately connected with the rhythm and flow of nature and when we honor that and celebrate that our re-wilding becomes a lot more easeful, and natural. Not to mention fun!

We tend to over complicate things. You are a wild child by nature. It's your birthright to claim it. The permission you need is right in your own back yard, or local forest, or any where in nature that speaks to you.

I wanted to share 5 fun ideas to support you in this.

In this episode I share:

  • What is the wild feminine?

  • Reclaiming our sensual and erotic connection to nature

  • 5 fun ways to unleash your wild feminine this summer from PG to spicy:)

Let's dive in!

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  • View my video on Yoni Breathing here

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