How Solo Tantra Transformed My Marriage
The path of sensual reclamation is a heroine's journey.
It's not for the timid.
When we get in touch with and begin to embody our full Goddess essence, things shift. Sometimes massively.
I'd like to say that the path of reclaiming our sensuality and pleasure is an easeful flowing process but for all women I know it's not.
It's deep work.
And deep play.
Doing this work will bring you more ease, flow and so much more, but there is a price of admission.
We have to be willing to take a stand and really show up for our inner feminine in a world that's determined to shut Her down.
This work requires raw honesty, courage and levels vulnerability that can be really uncomfortable.
It asks us to keep our promises to ourselves and create boundaries in ways we probably haven't before.
We may question if we have what it takes.
We do.
When we decide.
When we decide to claim our pleasure we are in our true power and cosmically supported.
As the old saying goes; "Venus favors the bold." -Ovid
Claiming our inner Venus will shake things up.
I like to see it as shaking things up to wake things up.
When I started this journey I had no idea where it would take me.
To be honest, in many ways I still don't.
It's the joyful and beautiful unfolding mystery of it all that keeps me in awe.
And keeps me on this path.
In today's episode I share a bit about the specifics of my personal journey; what that initially looked like for me as a busy mom of three young boys.
I also share how this circuitous journey transformed my marriage and laid the foundations for my work and the framework I use with my clients.
In this episode I riff on:
How this work elevates those around us or they fall off
Embracing the unknown of the adventure
The big pleasure reframe; some pleasure myths I needed to bust
How I created more safety in my system
How I claimed my responsibility for my pleasure; taking the reigns
How I made space for pleasure in my life
My bathtub temple
The magic of early morning practice
Desire clarity & emotional empowerment
"Rage is passion without a place to play"
"Under every complaint is a desire"
How my Inner Bitch became my BFF
The power of embodied desire
Sensual & sexual embodiment practices as a meditation
How we need to strengthen our nervous system
Embracing our emotions
Embodying the love that we are
Speaking my desires from my feminine
How all of this impacted my marriage
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