Is Perfectionism Killing Your Pleasure?


When does perfectionism serve us?  When can it get in the way?

While it's great to excel at something we're passionate about and awesome to get focused, go for it, build skills, achieve and slay the day, when it comes to cultivating a deeper experience of pleasure, habitual  perfectionism can be a massive road block.

Why is that?

Our sensuality is about coming home to our senses. And that means slowing down and caring for our nervous system so that we are available to open and receive. That scares a lot of women. And that makes sense. There's a lot there.

It's so important to get that our sensuality shuts down in go mode. If we want to access and embody more pleasure, radiance, magnetism and intuition, being "task master" hard on ourselves will take us out every time.

It may sound odd, but I feel that habitual perfectionism is a trauma response. It keeps us on the never ending hamster wheel of strife and keeps those stress hormones like cortisol flowing.

If pleasure is a portal into our sacred feminine essence (I believe it is) and if that's something you're interested in exploring (if you're here, you most likely are), it's essential that you get good as shifting gears.

Here I riff on:

  • Why I view habitual perfectionism as a trauma response and why it's not our fault

  • Conditional love and "not enoughness"

  • How this derails our pleasure

  • Getting out of our head and into our body

  • The self critic program

  • Owning our worthiness

  • Trusting our bodies, ourselves and letting go

  • Sensual pleasure as a major portal into your sacred feminine essence

  • The feminine lens of Tantra

  • Perfectionism and hyper vigilance 

  • Perfectionism and people pleasing

  • Honoring our bodies responses to threat

  • Finding the right mix for you

  • Desire, goals and pressure

  • How pressure can sap our pleasure

  • The power of approval

  • The Inner Smile practice

  • The bracing that comes with needing to be perfect and how that blocks our pleasure

  • Coming out of reactivity and scarcity

  • Allowing ourselves to be messy

  • Taking the foot off the gas

  • Learning to toggle


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