Sacred Pleasure...The Sensual, Erotic Initiation We Never Got
There was a time in human history where beauty, pleasure, sexuality and all things Venus were held sacred.
And life was good.
When the Goddess of Love reigned supreme, systems of true partnership flourished and the power and virility of the Sacred Masculine was equally honored and celebrated.
These civilizations were rich in sensuality, sport, ceremony, art and trade.
Essential oils were used as medicine and in spiritual ritual.
A highly effective form of herbal birth control was traded for throughout the Mediterranean.
Historians and archeologists say there is no evidence of domination or violence in the remnants of the art they left behind.
Sounds like a dream doesn’t it?
Although we can’t go back in time, we can find inspiration knowing that this once was a reality for some humans.
And for a significant chunk of time.
And pleasure was at the core of it.
Can we reclaim what once was sacred, has been deemed taboo and restore it to sacred again?
Is this Venusian Revolution for real?
And you can begin by simply enjoying the hell out of your morning coffee.
Let's dive in!
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The Venusian Summer Series
7 Free Masterclasses to embody your inner Goddess of Love