Becoming Multi-Orgasmic at Midlife
Every woman (every human actually) is Multi-Orgasmic. It's our natural state, we've just been denied access to it for about 5,000 years. Due to cultural norms of violent sensual and sexual repression (especially targeted at women) and the trauma that ensued (ancestral and personal) it makes sense that we've disconnected to the natural flow of our sexual energy. We've been in sensual lockdown for generations. The stresses of modern living are another formidable obstacle. But we can heal and take our power back.
Being Multi-Orgasmic is being able to tap into your life-force sexual energy in a reliable, sustainable way. So it sustains you. Rejuvenates you. Fuels you. And inspires you. This energy first and foremost is for you.
Having access to this energy is your birthright and you can choose to cultivate it and reclaim it at any age. Sure it's work, but for anyone wanting to thrive in the third chapter of life, it's work worth doing. In today's episode I dive into the realm of what it means to be Multi-Orgasmic at midlife.
I riff on:
What does it mean to be "Multi-Orgasmic?" and why we need a broader definition of orgasm
Why should we care? (Especially at midlife)
How do we get there? (I'll give you some simple ways to begin)