Cultivating a Pleasure Mindset & Why Mindset Work is Essential
This is so key! And so ongoing! Making the decision to heal your sensuality and reclaim your pleasure is a really big deal. This path is not for everyone. It takes courage and a willingness to show up for yourself in ways that you may never have before.
Reclaiming your pleasure is a paradigm shift. You're bound to meet your deepest blocks and obstacles to self-love and approval. But the benefits are immense.
Sensuality is the portal into embodying your full potential. Pleasure is foundational for thriving.
While vibrant sensuality is our birthright, there can be a lot that stands in the way of accessing our pleasure. This is why cultivating a pleasure mindset is essential for cultivating our pleasure.
In this episode I riff on:
Why we resist pleasure/the punishment ethos
The high cost of sensual shutdown
Building power through pleasure
4 Common myths about sensuality that block our pleasure:
Sensuality is frivolous
Sensuality makes us weak
Sensuality is dangerous
Sensuality is shameful