Pleasure is the Ultimate Libido Tonic

In today's episode I delve into the intriguing and somewhat mysterious and confusing topic of libido. I feel we need a  major reframe on this.

When we focus on libido as something we need to boost or amp up, we're getting it wrong. There is no quick fix or silver bullet.

Our libido/passion is something we need to nourish and cultivate. A thriving libido comes from exquisite self care, a deep embrace of our sensuality and living in alignment with our desires. It's the natural result of taking care of our nervous system, healing from trauma, (personal and collective), finding our calm, and rejuvenating and replenishing ourselves with embodied sensual pleasure.

I riff on:

  • Freud's take on libido

  • Jung's take on libido

  • The Taoist take on libido

  • My take on libido

  • Why we need a libido reframe

  • How pleasure is the ultimate libido tonic

  • How my work support this


Want to dive deeper?

  • Book your free Pleasure Queen Activation Session here

  • Get the details for Second Spring Queen here


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