Pleasure and the Art of Midlife Rebirthing

Most women enter midlife feel fragmented. If you feel that you've lost key parts of yourself, you're not alone!

Here's the good news; contrary to popular opinion, midlife is not the beginning of the end. It's a wake up call. A call to reclaim the fragmented, fractured parts of you and  create a new, even more beautiful version of you. Your masterpiece.

There's no going back, but there is a glorious path forward. If you choose it. And it's got everything to do with pleasure.

Midlife is not a crisis (although it can feel like one) it's a massive opportunity to claim our crown as Queen of our domain. It's a time to pause and take time to rejuvenate, realign with our deepest desires and reemerge (when we're ready) to give our gifts from a full cup. To guide with love and wisdom.

I call Menopause the Passion Portal; a powerful and beautiful portal into the sexiest and most creative chapter of our lives.

To rebirth your life is an art.  And like any artist, you have to be willing to get your hands dirty. You have to be willing to get real with your emotions and passions and take responsibility for your pleasure.

Are you ready to create your third chapter masterpiece? Then this episode is for you!

I riff on:

  • The art of rebirthing at midlife

  • Kintsugi/ The Japanese Art of Golden Repair

  • The beauty of fragmentation

  • We can never go back, but we can go forward in a beautiful way

  • Creating your Third Chapter masterpiece from your wounds

  • The alchemy of rebirthing

  • Emotional healing the alchemical power of sensation

  • The alchemical Goddess of Love and Beauty Venus/Aphrodite

  • The alchemical power of our sensuality

  • Creating your own golden epoxy

  • The role of embodiment

  • The power of third chapter women and why we need to realign with desire

  • How to excavate your deepest desires

  • The role of sexual energy in rebirthing our lives


Want to dive in deeper?

  • Book your FREE Pleasure Queen Activation Session here

  • Check out my online program Second Spring Queen here


The Vital Goddess Masterclass

If you're resonating with what I'm saying here in the show, I've created a free training for you to take it deeper. It's super juicy, and robust. A must-watch for any turned-on seasoned woman!

in this training you will learn :

  • Why pleasure actually matters.

  • What Sacred Feminine Energy is + how to know when we’re cut off from it

  • Why we want to tap into this innate sensual power within.

  • Why midlife is the best time to tap into it!

  • How we activate & embody our inner goddess.

  • What the Taoist Jade Egg Practice is

  • & why it’s the master tool for all of the above.


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