3 Decisions You Need to Make to Reclaim Your Pleasure and Rock Your Third Chapter Like a Goddess

In today's episode, I share three important decisions we all need to make (and continue to make) to reclaim our pleasure.

These are bold decisions. It's work. It's deep mindset/psychological work. But when we make these choices, it puts us in the frequency of our desires, opens pathways for healing, and supports us on the path to sensual empowerment and freedom.

Here I riff on:

  • Why the pleasure path is a legit yoga path of sensual healing, embodiment, and enlightenment

  • Deciding that you're a sensual being

  • Deciding that pleasure is your responsibility

  • Deciding to make space for sensuality in your life

  • 5 practical tips to support you in these decisions


Want to dive deeper?

  • Book your free Pleasure Queen Activation Session here

  • Get the details for Second Spring Queen here

  • Find your Venus by casting your Astrological Natal Chart here


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