Sustainable Change Takes Sustainable Passion
"Rage is passion without a place to play." If you've followed me for a bit you may have heard that one. It came to me at a time when I was raging up a storm. Pretty much on a daily basis. I was going through menopause and rage was a constant companion. I know that's not the way it goes for some women, but that's the way it went for me.
A teacher I was working with at the time shared that little piece of wisdom with me and it changed everything.
The seemingly random bouts of emotional flares we get throughout our lives, (highlighted as we navigate puberty, our menstrual cycles, motherhood and menopause) are guideposts.
During these storms the veil is thin and we can see a little more clearly what's going on. In our personal lives, in the systems we operate under and in the world at large. We see that it's all connected and we get a glimpse of what's not working. We see the cracks.
I now consider these emotional truth bombs to be wake up calls from Shakti. It's the wild feminine in us screaming for attention. Trying to set things straight. And we've been systematically taught to turn a deaf ear. To stuff those emotions, least we be called crazy. We're taught to ignore them, medicate them, and generally go numb to them. Or we just let it all rip (sometimes the perfect thing) and end up exhausted and in need of a damage control squad.
Our emotions carry power. And most of us have never been taught how to harness that power.
Our emotions are messages meant specifically for us. And most of us have never been taught how to tune into their wisdom.
Emotional shut down and sexual shutdown go hand in hand. Our emotions have been oppressed and shamed right along side our sexuality. When we reunite them we become unstoppable.
The keys to unlocking our emotional power lies in our ability to sensually and erotically embody them. To welcome them with rhythmic breath. To get in sync with them. To feel them fully, to move with them, dance with them, to give voice to them not though explanation but through primal sound. To allow them to unleash our wild nature and turn us on. When we do, our Shakti essence awakens and She speaks.
And we know the right next move.
In this episode I riff on:
My body's reaction to Roe v Wade
The freeze response; functional freeze syndrome
How to thaw out
The power of breath and erotic movement
The wild feminine and emotional alchemy
How women are a force of nature
Meeting emotions with the erotic
Womb breathing
Tapping into the wisdom and treasure of our emotions
Getting clear on our true desires
Giving our passion a place to play
Your emotions are messages totally unique to you and only you can crack the code