How We Get Out of Our Heads and Into Our Bodies
Feeling stuck in your head and cut off from your body? I hear you.
This is such a modern human problem!
We crave pleasure, embodiment and connection but our racing minds just won't quit. Everyone I know, including myself struggles with this.
We've created a situation where the mind plays tyrant to the body. We analyze, problem solve, try to fix, stifle, numb and control our bodies so such a degree that we can barely feel her pulse, barely hear the infinite wisdom that's always trying to pour through.
The massive swing into an over polarization of the masculine principle and over identification with the mind has taken a toll. It's left us high, dry and disconnected. And it's killing us.
This top down control saps our life force and cuts us off from the pleasure and beauty around us and in us. And robs us of the experience of being fully alive. Which I feel is what most of us are truly craving.
In the words of Joesph Campbell:
"I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive."
Our minds are constantly telling us that we need to figure life out. Our bodies, on the other hand, are always offering us an invitation to live.
We were born into these magnificent bodies not to control or manage them but fully inhabit them; to have a lived experience of spirit into matter; of soulful embodiment.
So how do we get there? How do we create more internal harmony and feel more fully alive? We need to forge new pathways of connecting with these amazing bodies of ours.
Learning the language of the body is a great way to start.
In this episode I share one of my favorite ways to do just that. I've see some variation of this in every holistic sexuality and somatic healing practice I've explored from ancient to modern. It's simple and super potent but definitely not easy.
Learning a new language always feels awkward at first. But the effort is so worth it. No worries, I've got some great resources for you.
In this episode I riff on:
Our mind-dominant world
The empowerment and nourishment of embodiment
The Shakti Meditation
Orgasmic Meditation and the language of sensation
Healing trauma, inner alchemy and the language of the body
How the top down approach gets us stuck
Emotional alchemy and sensation
Describing the Felt Sense
Creating harmony with the mind and body
Sensation over story
Becoming the witness of the body
Taking it "off the mat"