The Art of Emotional Alchemy


Our emotions are a power source. And yet most of us have been taught that our emotions are a problem. It can certainly feel that way util we learn how to work with them. And we won't get there by thinking about them.

The alchemical magic happens when we allow ourselves to feel our emotions and allow them to move through us. Only then can we harvest the wisdom hidden within them. And feel empowered by them rather than derailed by them.

Like a storm that rages through and leaves behind cleaner, crisper air, our emotions can clean house and give us clarity on whatever it is we are struggling with.

For this to happen we need to create the space to feel our emotions on the level of sensation. Embodiment is the master key. Embodied emotions have the alchemical power to turn lead into gold.

In this episode I share a personal experience of how emotional alchemy turned an evening that was going off the tracks completely around.


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